domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2007

Menger y Mises

En este articulo de Jörg Guido Hülsmann en se comenta como uno de los hechos relevantes de coincidencia de Menger y Mises vs otros economistas es su formulación de la ciencia económica apartir de unos principios aprioristicos generales universales y no modificables.

In later works, Mises would modify, generalize, and qualify Menger's views. In particular, he became famous for his interpretation of the epistemological status of the propositions of economic science, that is, for his claim that these propositions are true on a priori grounds and therefore cannot be verified or refuted by the evidence of the senses. But these claims were attempts to clarify the position that Mises had inherited from Menger. The difference between Menger's Aristotelian rhetoric and the Kantian phrasing used by Mises is glaring, but the difference is mainly rhetorical

The principal thread of continuity between Menger and Mises is an adherence to the same scientific program of developing economic theory as a descriptive discipline, distinct from other descriptive disciplines such as biology or history. Both Menger and Mises believed that their theories described certain general features of human action that exist and operate at all times and places. This is what set them fundamentally apart from Wieser and Schumpeter, and this is what still sets Mengerian economists apart from all other economists.

Importante el matiz:

In Menger´s approach, "value" cannot be independent of the specific circumstances of time and space; it is inseparable from these circumstances and means different things in different economic settings. According to Gossen, Jevons, and Walras, the amount of "utility" derived from a good could be different in different situations, but according to Menger, the entire basis of value is different as soon as the economic context changes — because the good would then be compared to different other goods.

sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2007

Como se llamaba el moreno de Wham?

Otro vídeo clásico ... de la época navideña

El moreno se llamaba ... Andrew Ridgeley ... aparte del archi-conocido George Michael

WIkipedia lo sabe todo de Wham

Fatboy Slim - Praise you!

Un vídeo clásico de los de siempre ...

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2007

Foo Fighters - The pretender

Aquí está uno de los últimos vídeos de Foo Fighters!!

Mola un montón, no lo puedes para de var, tienen su propio canal en YouTube y lo que no entiendo es porque no dejan hacer un embed!

El vídeo está en:

La canción en una actuación en directo:

p.d. me tuve que enterar de rebote por Flymusic (molan!) que estaba ya su nuevo album, snif, snif,

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2007

La constante universal es el cambio!

Change is constant in life.
Mind should accord with changes.
Do not use yersterday's mind to perceive today's happenings.

Zhuang Zi

–¡Ahora, ahora! –gritó la Reina–. ¡Más rápido, más rápido!

Y fueron tan rápido que al final parecía como si estuviesen deslizándose por los aires, sin apenas tocar el suelo con los pies; hasta que de pronto, cuando Alicia ya creía que no iba a poder más, pararon y se encontró sentada en el suelo, mareada y casi sin poder respirar. La Reina la apoyó contra el tronco de un árbol y le dijo amablemente:

–Ahora puedes descansar un poco.

Alicia miró alrededor suyo con gran sorpresa.–Pero ¿cómo? ¡Si parece que hemos estado bajo este árbol todo el tiempo! ¡Todo está igual que antes!

–¡Pues claro que sí! –convino la Reina–. Y ¿cómo si no?

–Bueno, lo que es en mi país –aclaró Alicia, jadeando aún bastante– cuando se corre tan rápido como lo hemos estado haciendo y durante algún tiempo, se suele llegar a alguna otra parte…

–¡Un país bastante lento! –replicó la Reina–. Lo que es aquí, como ves, hacefalta correr todo cuanto una pueda para permanecer en el mismo sitio. Si sequiere llegar a otra parte hay que correr por lo menos dos veces más rápido.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

Es importante sentirse bien con uno mismo

El sobre llevar el día a día es importante, sobre todo sintiéndose a gusto con lo que uno hace!

Viktor Frankl hablo de algo parecido rememorando circunstancias mucho peores esto en un libro maravilloso ... El hombre en busca del sentido de la vida

La cita clásica de deeshan...
I feel good to be where I am and where I live now.
My feeling good does not depend on the people I am with nor on the place where I live.
My feeling good is a space within myself which is always present.
I carry it everywhere I go, therefore I am free and contented wherever I am.

Dharma -

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2007

El 40% de nuestro sueldo acaba en el bolsillo del Estado

Uuups con una rebaja del 5% me conformaba

"Todo ser humano responde a incentivos. Durante todos estos años el Gobierno ha incentivado la ociosidad, la baja producción y la irresponsabilidad laboral. Si el Gobierno se dedica a robar nuestra producción mediante impuestos (el 40% de nuestro sueldo acaba en el bolsillo del Estado), no sólo nos empobrece, sino que crea importantes residuos insalvables."

Visto en Libertad Digital - Jorge Valín - Responsabilidad individual para reducir el paro

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007

Fernando ha escrito en!!!!

Europe's Internet Troubles
By Fernando Herrera González

Internet access is one of the main drivers for economic and social development. No wonder that the wide availability of broadband access, as one of the main indicators of technology advancement of the economy, is shaping the agenda of governments. Everyone demands broadband access

La inflación

Mal asunto... los agregados monetarios crecen sin control y en algun momento habrá que pasar la resaca.

What people today call inflation is not inflation, i.e., the increase in the quantity of money and money substitutes, but the general rise in commodity prices and wage rates which is the inevitable consequence of
inflation. (Mises, Planning for Freedom, 79)

New money that enters the economy does not affect all economic actors equally nor does new money influence all economic actors at the same time. Newly created money must enter into the economy at a specific point. Generally this monetary injection comes via credit expansion through the banking sector. Those who receive this new money first benefit at the expense of those who receive the money only after it has snaked through the economy and prices have had a chance to adjust.

Visto en

Control or Economic Law - Mises Institute

Si es que lo que no puede ser, no puede ser.

"Just as natural phenomena are governed by immutable eternal laws, quite independent of human will and human laws, so in the sphere of economics there exist certain laws against which the will of man, and even the powerful will of the state, remain impotent; and that the flow of economic forces cannot, by artificial interference of societal control, be driven out of certain channels into which it is inevitably pressed by the force of economic laws."

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2007

Bands, Free Music, and a Web 2.0 Driven Site

Jamiroquai has a new website that’s targeting the web 2.0 crowd. Groovy. I must admit that I’m a Jamiroquai fan, and I’m pretty happy with the changes made to the band’s website. There’s a new focus on music videos, along with music. An adoption of viral content management includes the use of YouTube for video display, instead of the thumbnail offering that adorned the previous version of th site. More interaction by fans (I mean, users) lets you participate more on the site, and take more from the site as well.

The whole purpose of a music artist or group participating in web 2.0 culture is the act of viral promotion and integrating with existing social networks. And that means widgets. True, this is something that most artists and bands have already taken advantage of, but let’s look at the whole picture. Jamiroquai has done a complete overhaul and has adopted pretty much every social networking tool out there, including RSS, and online marketing.

Visto en Mashable

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007

Hay que pensar ...

"Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week. George Bernard Shaw"

No hay que agradar a todo el mundo

I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Bill Cosby

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2007

Ser abierto...

Become a pool to invite the water.
Become empty to be filled up.
Become a flame to burn for ever.

Shun To

sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2007

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2007

El exito no depende de la suerte

Dice Eduardo Punset que "La vida no es una serie de acontecimientos azarosos que ocurren de forma intempestiva, sino más bien un proceso continuado, que puede interrumpirse por causas exteriores que poco tienen que ver con la supuesta buena o mala suerte de una persona en particular"

O sea que ¿mejor ir pensando a largo plazo en el proceso más adecuado para obtener las metas que ya nos hemos fijado?

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007

Daft Punk Promotes New Album With A Widget de Mashable!

Daft Punk, the French electronic duo known for making music that scares your cat and using robots for live shows, are being hip again. This time, they’ve decided to promote their new live album, Alive, with an embeddable widget, which allows visitors to listen to previews of new tracks, buy the single, read Daft Punk’s biography, read the newsletter, and see a photo gallery of the band.

The widget below is yet another proof that “standard” promotional tools are giving way to web based promotion and social networking. And, since the creation of such a widget costs next to nothing, we expect to see more and more bands take this route and move much of their marketing activities online.

via Mashable

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007

Frase para pensar

"'Sólo el pescado muerto nada a favor de corriente'"

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2007

Direct experience

It is only through direct experience that problems are solved, and to

have direct experience there must be simplicity, which means there

must be sensitivity.

A mind is made dull by the weight of knowledge.

J. Krishnamurti

domingo, 8 de julio de 2007


From Seth's Blog: 7/7/07

Why all the hoopla about a date? (Marriages are up by 30% year on year for today over a similar Saturday last year, for example).

Simple. People are meaning machines. We look for hints about what the future will hold and add meaning, often where there is none.

Putting a lucky number on your marriage certificate is just as silly as all the other cues (from the typeface in the ad to the tie on the applicant's neck) that we use to make decisions.

lunes, 2 de julio de 2007


Eternity is not something that begins after you are dead.

It is going on all the time.

We are in it now.

C. P. Gilman

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2007

Do not complain of insufficiency

The true person does not complain of insufficiency,

does not claim
credit and does not seek a good reputation.

He regards life as his master and abides by it.

Zhuang Zi

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2007

Be quiet my friend?

When you become more quiet

you are more open,

you are more able to

to listen and to love.

Huong Zu

martes, 27 de marzo de 2007

Be real?

There is no need to be great, the only need it to be real.

Great is the wrong goal, to be great is an ego goal;

to be real is existential.


lunes, 26 de marzo de 2007

Highest wisdom?

Master, will you please write for me some maxims of the highest wisdom?

Ikkyu immediately took his brush and wrote the word


sábado, 24 de marzo de 2007

¿Para que vale la curiosidad?

La juventud de un ser humano no se mide por los años que tiene sino por la curiosidad que almacena.

- Salvador Paniker -

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2007

Si se le pregunta por el significado de la vida, ¿qué contesta?

Esta pregunta es el síntoma de que algo no va bien. Una frase, una guía
turística, puede tener significado, pero la vida es demasiado absoluta para
tenerlo. Cuando uno empieza a preguntarse por el significado de la vida es que
ha dejado de vivir intensamente

meditationtip : Message: The meditation tip of the day - 03.22.2007 - Tishan

meditationtip : Message: The meditation tip of the day - 03.22.2007 - Tishan:

Today whenever you have some time:
close your eyes for 5 minutes,
breathe twice deeply,
feel your heartbeat,
watch your breath in and out,
repeat these 5 minutes whenever you can.


meditationtip : Message: The meditation tip of the day - 03.20.2007 - Dhammapada

meditationtip : Message: The meditation tip of the day - 03.20.2007 - Dhammapada:

"Health is the greatest possession.
Contentment is the greatest treasure.
Confidence is the greatest friend.
NIRVANA is the greatest joy.


Time Will Run Back - Mises Institute

Time Will Run Back - Mises Institute: "If capitalism did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it — and its discovery would be rightly regarded as one of the great triumphs of the human mind. This is the theme of Time Will Run Back. But as 'capitalism' is merely a name for freedom in the economic sphere, the theme of my novel might be stated more broadly: the will to freedom can never be permanently stamped out."

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2007

domingo, 4 de febrero de 2007

Los aisladores

Los aisladores de toda la vida
Posted by Picasa

Santorini - la caldera

El mejor sitio del mundo