martes, 27 de mayo de 2008


Meditation is a knack.
It is the simplest art in the world, to be silent.
It is not a doing, it is a non-doing.
How can it be difficult?


sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008

Ibiza - Classics

De memoria fatal .. pero buscando en Internet salen algunos clásicos :)
Que pena no poder haber ido a Ibiza , snif, snif.

Mojo - Lady

Bob Marley & funkstar deluxe

Toni di Bart - The real thing

Roger Sanchez - Another Chance

Nightcrawlers - Push the feeling on

y como no The Course - Ready or not

Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide
Gonna Find You and Take it Slowly
Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide
Gonna Find You and Make you want me.


Vamos que no saber que había una película super-molona erótica de ciencia ficción del 68 con Jane Fonda (basada en un comic francés en la que el creador se inspiro en la Bardot)... y toda la influencia que ha tenido

... Barbarella

menos mal que esta internet. Hasta parece que van a hacer un remake.



lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008

Scalability -- Doing It Right

Descubierto vía

Nice Ideas/Tips para hacer escalable un site via Nati Shalom

vamos ideas para hacer algo escalable a lo grande, grande ...

synchronous event-driven design: Avoid as much as possible any synchronous interaction with the data or business logic tier. Instead, use an event-driven approach and workflow

Partitioning/Shards: Design the data model to fit the partitioning model

Parallel execution:
Use parallel execution to get the most out of available resources. A good place to use parallel execution is the processing of users requests. Multiple instances of each service can take the requests from the messaging system and execute them in parallel. Another good place for parallel processing is using MapReduce for performing aggregated requests on partitioned data

Replication (read-mostly):
In read-mostly scenarios (LinkedIN seems to fall into this category well), database replication can help load-balance the read load by splitting the read requests among the replicated database nodes

Consistency without distributed transactions:
This was one of the hot topics of the conference, which also sparked some discussion during one of the panels I participated in. An argument was made that to reach scalability you had to sacrifice consistency and handle consistency in your applications using things such as optimistic locking and asynchronous error-handling. It also assumes that you will need to handle idempotency in your code. My argument was that while this pattern addresses scalability, it creates complexity and is therefore error-prone. During another panel, Dan Pritchett argued that there are ways to avoid this level of complexity and still achieve the same goal, as I outlined in this blog post.

Move the database to the background:
There was violent agreement that the database bottleneck can only be solved if database interactions happen in the background. (NOTE: I recently wrote a more detailed post explaining how you can effectively move the database to the background.

The 20 things you must know about music online

Via Andrew Dubber - New Music Strategies se accede a un librito maravilloso donde ha volcado su sabiduría

Aparte su blog se entiende y es para humanos, que clarisisimo que está todo. Además predica con el ejemplo.

Resumidito el libro y que es muy aplicable a cualquier canal online dice:

1. Don’t believe the hype:
Sandi Thom, the Arctic Monkeys and Lily Allen are not super famous, rich and successful because of MySpace, and nor because they miraculously drew a crowd of thousands to their homegrown webcast. PR, traditional media, record labels and money were all involved.

2. Hear / Like / Buy:
It’s the golden rule. People hear music, then they like music, then they buy music. It’s the only order it can happen in. If you try to do it in any other sequence, it just won’t work.

3. Opinion Leaders Rule:
We know the importance of radio and press. There are now new opinion leaders who will tell your story with credibility. You need to find out who they are — or better yet, become one of them.

4. Customise:
A tailored solution at best, or at the very least a bespoke kitset approach to your web presence is crucial. An off-the-shelf number will almost guarantee your anonymity.

5. The Long Tail:
Chris Anderson has pretty much proved that the future of retail is selling less of more. Put everything online. Expand your catalogue. You will make more money selling a large number of niche products than you will selling a few hits.

6. Web 2.0:
Forget being a destination — become an environment. Let your customers tag and sort your catalogue. Open up for user-generated content. Your website is not a brochure — it’s a place where people gather and connect with you and with each other.

7. Connect:
Learn how to tell a story, and learn how to tell it in an appropriate fashion for web communication. Think about how that could be translated for both new media and mainstream PR outlets.

8. Cross-promote:
Your online stuff is not a replacement for your offline stuff, and nor does it exist independently of it. Figure out how to make the two genuinely intersect.

9. Fewer Clicks:
This is especially true if you want somebody to part with their money. If I have to fill in a form, navigate through three layers of menu and then enter a password, I don’t want your music any more.

10. Professionalism:
Have a proper domain. MySpace is not your website. Learn to spell. Use high-quality photography. Get a web designer who understands design — not just code.

11. The Death of Scarcity:
Understand that the economics of the internet is fundamentally different to the economics of the world of shelves and limited stock. Know that you could give away 2 million copies of your record in order to sell a thousand.

12. Distributed Identity:
From a PR perspective, you are better off scattering yourself right across the internet, rather than staying put in one place. Memberships, profiles, comments, and networks are incredibly helpful.

13. SEO: You need to understand how Search Engine Optimisation works, and how you can maximise your chances of being found. Be both findable — and searchable.

14. Permission:
This is very basic stuff. Don’t spam. Let people opt-in. Make the information you send them relevant, useful and welcome. Long lists of dates and events are impersonal and feel like work. Personalised messages seem far more important.

15. RSS:
Provide it, use it and teach it. Relying on people to come back to visit your website is ultimately soul destroying. So is always making more content all the time. RSS is the single most important aspect of your site. Treat it as such - but remember it’s still new for most people. Help your audience come to grips with it.

16. Accessibility:
Not everyone has a fast computer or high speed access. Not everybody has the gift of sight. Make everything you do online accessible. Make your site XHTML compliant. It’s easy to do, it’s important, and it stops you from turning people away at the door. You wouldn’t have a shop without wheelchair access, would you?

17. Reward & Incentivise:
Everything is now available all of the time. Give people a reason to consider you as part of their economic engagement with music. A 30-second streaming sample is worse than useless.

18. Frequency is everything:
Publish daily. There’s nothing more sad than an abandoned website or a disused forum. Search engines prioritise active sites. You want people to come back? Give them something to come back to that they haven’t seen before.

19. Make it viral:
Whatever you do, make it something that people will want to send to other people. Your best marketing is word of mouth, because online, word of mouth is exponentially more powerful.

20. Forget product — sell relationship:
The old model of music business is dominated by the sale of an individual artefact for a set sum of money. iTunes is still completely old school. The new model is about starting an ongoing economic relationship with a community of fans.

And a bonus:

21. The chart is a mug’s game:
Not only is the top 40 singles chart entirely meaningless, it has even stopped working as a promotional tool. Don’t aim for the chart — aim for a sustainable career.

Obtenido de

Los mensajes recuerdan mucho lo que predica Seth Godin.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

El alma esta en el cerebro

Principales cosas que me quedan después de leer "El alma está en el cerebro" de Eduardo Punset (mola su blog ):
  • "El cerebro esta codificado para generar expectativas y detectar lo inesperado"
  • "La mejor manera de contrarrestar una emoción negativa es tener una emoción positiva más fuerte" --> ¿por eso el efecto bueno de la música?
  • "La reinserción no vale con las psicopatias" "No se puede cambiar la personalidad básica de los individuos (emociones, conciencia)" "Si se puede actuar en temas conductuales"
  • "El neocortex es la parte mas moderna del cerebro.Es una fina capa que recubre la zona mas externa del cerebro, con grosor de 2 mm esta dividido en 6 capas. Si se pudiera extender equivaldría a una servilleta con 30.000 millones de neuronas. Este conjunto de células tiene nuestros recuerdos, conocimientos, habilidades y experiencia acumulada ... todo aquello que se llama nuestra vida"
  • "El secreto para entregarse a la crueldad es desprenderse de la responsabilidad: libres del sentido de culpa aparece el lado más oscuro de la naturaleza humana"
  • "El conjunto estimulo - reacción corporal - ideas es lo que constituye el sentimiento"
  • "Creo que vale ser optimista, y hay un motivo añadido:si eres optimista, generas felicidad en tu interior y es posible que la crees en otros"
  • "Los genes determinan ciertas cosas en entornos concretos"
  • "La anticipación del placer es donde reside el placer"
  • "El gran poder en el mundo es detectar lo que piensa el otro: cuando alguien tiene es poder, puede ayudar o manipular"
  • "Cuando queremos tener garantía de que nuestros actos sean optimos, nos estamos asegurando el malestar, porque no vamos a tener nunca una garantía absoluta de va a ser lo mejor posible"
  • "Deberíamos aprender a centrar nuestra atención en las pequeñas cosas gratificantes de la vida cotidiana"
  • "La felicidad es básicamente la ausencia de miedo, como la belleza es la ausencia de dolor"

Nota: Foto de Flickr Commons (molan)

Cloud Computing

Via Sebas Muriel -

me entero de la existencia del sitio Geek And Poke, molan!!! Me parto, me troncho y me mondo.

Para muestra un botón (y mira que me mola el concepto de cloud computing)

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2008

Ideas Are Easy... Execution Is Difficult & IP

Post en Mises, que hace referencia a otros posts

En resumen:
  • It's an ongoing theme around here, but ideas are everywhere. The real trick to making something great often has extremely little to do with the idea, and much more to do with the execution
  • A good execution team is what they fund, even if the idea is not that hot.
Uno de los puntos en Is Intelectual Property the Key to Success es
  • So consider a world without trademark, copyright, or patents. It would still be a world with innovation — perhaps far more of it. And yes, there would still be profits due to those who are entrepreneurial. Perhaps there would be a bit less profit for litigators and IP lawyers — but is this a bad thing?

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

Is Our Future Really $0?

Fernando ( se vuelve a salir en otro artículo

en (donde está chungo, chungo publicar) Extracto:

The reason why some goods are given away for free in some markets has no relation to any hypothetical notion of "marginal costs tending to zero." In fact, those supposed free goods are "given" to us in exchange for our time and attention. As time is an increasingly scarce resource, its value is steadily rising, in terms of storage, processing, and bandwidth.

A lo que vamos que el gratis total, no existe y SI, en nuestra sociedad se paga por nuestro tiempo y atención!!!!

Explicaciones sencillas desde la escuela austriaca de economía ... je, je.

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

Musica "negra"

De memoria y a bote pronto me salen ...

Barry White

Marvin Gaye

Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground (que fue versionado por los Red Hot Chili Peppers)

James Brown - Sex Machine

y Bob Marley :)

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008

Workaholics fixate on inconsequential details

ESTOS de 37 Signals saben !!!!

Mola el punto "That is because, as perfectionists, they may become so fixated on inconsequential details that they find it hard to move on to the next task"

Esto lo he visto en directo CIENES DE VECES!!!!!!

Desde mi punto de vista se prima la eficiencia (en hacer tonterias) y no la eficacia (en hacer las cosas correctas)

via Signal vs. Noise by Matt on 5/8/08

More ammunition for why you should fire the workaholics: They don't actually get more done.

Q: Do workaholics accomplish more than people who work fewer hours?

A: Often, they don't. That is because, as perfectionists, they may become so fixated on inconsequential details that they find it hard to move on to the next task, [Psychiatrist Bryan] Robinson said.

As Gayle Porter [a professor who has studied workaholism] put it: "They're not looking for ways to be more efficient; they're just looking for ways to always have more work to do."

Good advice for anyone who wants to be more efficient: When you're sweating for hours over a tiny detail, stop and ask yourself, "Is this really worth the amount of time I'm spending on it?" If not, declare "good enough" and move on.

Also mentioned in the piece: Companies that believe they're benefiting from someone's long hours should think again…

Most companies think that they are benefiting from a workaholic's long hours, even if it is at the worker's expense, Porter said. In fact, she said, workaholism can harm the company as well as the worker…

The person may look like a hero, coming in to solve crisis after crisis, when in fact the crises could have been avoided. Sometimes, the workaholic may have unwittingly created the problems to provide the endless thrill of more work.

Sometimes the real hero is already home, because he/she figured out a quicker way to get to "done."