miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

Is Our Future Really $0?

Fernando (ferhergon.blogspot.com) se vuelve a salir en otro artículo http://mises.org/story/2971

en Mises.org (donde está chungo, chungo publicar) Extracto:

The reason why some goods are given away for free in some markets has no relation to any hypothetical notion of "marginal costs tending to zero." In fact, those supposed free goods are "given" to us in exchange for our time and attention. As time is an increasingly scarce resource, its value is steadily rising, in terms of storage, processing, and bandwidth.

A lo que vamos que el gratis total, no existe y SI, en nuestra sociedad se paga por nuestro tiempo y atención!!!!

Explicaciones sencillas desde la escuela austriaca de economía ... je, je.

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