jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

El lenguaje ... Punset y venga Mises

Punset es un crack, se me saltan las lágrimas http://www.eduardpunset.es/blog/?p=157

El lenguaje es fruto de la colaboración social, compromiso mutuo ... y me recuerda a Mises.

"In the society based on division of labour and co-operation, the interests of all members are in harmony, and it follows from this basic fact of social life that ultimately action in the interests of myself and action in the interest of others do not conflict, since the interests of individuals come together in the end." Socialism p. 357

y claro se empezó por el lenguaje y luego la escritura.

domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

Around the world ... en música

El concepto "around the world" mola y en música quedaría plasmado entre otros por estos videos

Clásico de Daft Funk (preferido de siempre)

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Oasis (otro clásico)

Lisa Stanfield (version con Barry White ... el orignal no lo dejan "embeber")

y los Jam (youtube todito lo encuentra)

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

Be content

Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are.

When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you

Lao Tzu

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008


"Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest"

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Only through Beauty's morning gate, dost thou enter the land of Knowledge"
"It is through beauty that we arrive at freedom"

Friedrich Schiller

Schiller y Goethe no pueden estar equivocados.

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008


The way you react to what you face in life is of great help to learn to know yourself.

To judge or blame what you face do not help you at all, instead use this opportunity to look at yourself, see and understand why and how you have reacted.

The others are what they are and by judging you cannot change them, but you can certainly change how others and external events affect you or not.



domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

Mas sobre la crisis ...

Via Nati Shalom blog gran blog sobre cloud computing y lo que hace en la compañia Gigaspaces ... descubre un vídeo del Senior Editor de Marketplace Paddy Hirsch en el que se explica el timo piramidal de los CDO's

y claro ¿Esto se hacia sin regulación por parte de las autoridades financieras? ¿Sin conocer los efectos colaterales? (me acuerdo de cientos de artículos en The Economist diciendo que no-problem)

Mas de Paddy Hirsch ...

Lo se: el relato de los hechos es simplón, no ataca las causas raíces ... pero es un cuento bonito que se entiende (mejor que como te lo cuentan en los telediarios)

Estaría bien que desde la escuela austriaca se hicieran video-demostraciones para humanos y para colgar en youtube :)

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

Sequoia va y analiza

Sequoia - http://www.sequoiacap.com/ , hace un análisis muy majo de la situación actual ... no esta claro que hace 6 meses hubieran dado ningún aviso :) ... tenían que haberse fijado en Mises, Hayek y Rothbard http://blog.mises.org/archives/008743.asp

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008


Anything connected with fear, a mature person should disconnect himself from. That's how maturity comes.
Just watch all your acts, all your beliefs, and find out whether they are based in reality, in experience, or based in fear.
And anything based in fear has to be dropped immediately without a second thought.
It is your armor.

Chandra Mohan


martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

Life is a perpetual change

Life is a perpetual change we must accept and to which we have to continually adapt.
Often our mind does not accept these changes and creates unnecessary tension, fear and prevents us to flow with life.
Nothing is greater than to let go with the flow of life in a total acceptance.



jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

No los rescateis

Apuntado para revisar dentro de un año como estamos ...

Visto en Mises.org - Don't Bail Them Out


Ya lo habían dicho :)

Ludwig von Mises tried to warn against intervention. See his Causes of the Economic Crisis. So did F.A. Hayek. See his Prices and Production. So did Lord Robbins. See his book The Great Depression.

" The truth is exactly the opposite: to avoid another Depression-length downturn, we need to avoid the mistakes of the past, among which were the policies that attempted to keep failing firms and industries afloat in difficult economic times."

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008

I Ching

Cada vez me gusta mas el I-Ching, no resuelve la vida pero si que da ideas en un mundo con tantos cambios (se denota su origen taoista).

Un ejemplo IChing:



Hsiao Kuo: la preponderancia de lo pequeño

 Arriba Chen, lo suscitativo, el trueno

Debajo Ken, el aquietamiento, la montaña

Solución general: Este signo representa una situación en la cual dominan las fuerzas pequeñas. Por eso, el primer consejo del I Ching es: "Cuando alguien posee una naturaleza que en verdad no se halla a la altura de la posición directiva que ocupa, se presenta la necesidad de una extraordinaria precaución".
La humildad y la modestia son siempre una virtud. En este signo, son además una necesidad. Así, el I Ching nos dice: "Una extraordinaria modestia y escrupulosidad se verá sin duda recompensada por el éxito", pero esa modestia y escrupulosidad han de ser totalmente sinceras y dignas. No debemos comportarnos de manera hipócrita o rastrera. De todas maneras, no debemos esperar grandes éxitos, pues no tenemos fuerzas para conseguirlos. Así también, es muy aconsejable no aspirar a cosas grandes, sino a cosas modestas.


miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

Life & Changes

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. 
Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. 
Let reality be reality. 
Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

Lao Tzu

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler

Un video muy original de Simian Mobile Disco para ejemplificar la música electronica repetitiva - adictiva (realizada con instrumentos analógicos) ... claro hay que verlo hasta el final!

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2008

Daft Punk

Es lo que tiene Internet ...

Pregunta ¿de donde han obtenido samples Daft Punk? (que molan un monton btw!!!!)

lunes, 28 de julio de 2008

Economia ... clarisisima

Via Mises daily http://mises.org/story/3040

If we agree with Milton Friedman's famous dictum that "inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon," then we should adopt a definition that explicitly acknowledges this point. Prominent Austrian economists such as Ludwig von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, and Murray Rothbard have presented definitions that vary slightly from one another, but one aspect common to all of them is an increase in the money supply.[1] Accordingly, I will adopt that simple definition. Deflation will be defined conversely as a decrease in the money supply. In order for these definitions to be meaningful, however, one must also have a precise definition of money.

Money, as Frank Shostak succinctly explains, is "that for which all other goods and services are traded." In practice, money is typically a homogenous and durable good that is universally recognized as something of value and which people are willing to accept in exchange for goods and services. It might be gold or pieces of paper physically exchanged in transactions, or it might be such items stored in institutions like banks and drawn upon by checks, debit cards, or other means.

Fractional-reserve banking

is a banking practice in which banks are required to keep only a fraction of their deposits in reserve with the choice of lending out the remainder while maintaining the obligation to redeem all deposits upon demand. This practice is prevalent worldwide and is considered to be the customary form of banking system.

True Money Supply

The True Money Supply (TMS) was formulated by Murray Rothbard and represents the amount of money in the economy that is available for immediate use in exchange. It has been referred to in the past as the Austrian Money Supply, the Rothbard Money Supply and the True Money Supply. The benefits of TMS over conventional measures calculated by the Federal Reserve are that it counts only immediately available money for exchange and does not double count. MMMF shares are excluded from TMS precisely because they represent equity shares in a portfolio of highly liquid, short-term investments which must be sold in exchange for money before such shares can be redeemed. For a detailed description and explanation of the TMS aggregate, see Salerno (1987) and Shostak (2000). The TMS consists of the following: Currency Component of M1, Total Checkable Deposits, Savings Deposits, U.S. Government Demand Deposits and Note Balances, Demand Deposits Due to Foreign Commercial Banks, and Demand Deposits Due to Foreign Official Institutions.

Bad inflation

the type of inflation that occurs in fractional-reserve banking, where money that is intended to be used for current consumption is loaned out to businesses, sending false signals about people's preferences for current vs. future consumption, which makes it impossible for businesses to properly allocate resources

not-bad inflation

An example of this type of inflation would be found in a society where gold is used as money

Monetary base
the monetary base is roughly $850 billion, compared to the TMS, which is about $5.4 trillion. The Fed therefore directly controls only about 15% of the money supply.

The Fed has already taken several drastic actions in an attempt to prevent deflation, but it remains to be seen whether it is even possible for it to achieve such a goal without destroying the dollar and the entire financial system

lunes, 21 de julio de 2008

6 Sigma

"You don't know what you don't know
You can't do what you don't know
You don't know until you measure
You don't measure what you don't value
You don't value what you don't measure. .."


domingo, 20 de julio de 2008

lunes, 14 de julio de 2008


Meditation has a few essential things in it, whatever the method, but those few essentials are necessary in every method.
The first is a relaxed state: no fight with the mind, no control over the mind, no concentration.
Second, just watch with a relaxed awareness whatever is going on, without any interference - just watching the mind, silently, without any judgement, evaluation.
These are the three things: relaxation, watching, no judgement.



martes, 8 de julio de 2008

Control, control y control

He who can control his rising anger
as a coachman controls his carriage at full speed,
this man I call a good driver:
others merely hold the reins.

The Dhammapada


lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

White noise/ Ruido blanco

Como aprovechar el ruido blanco para ser mas Zen


y además permite recordar viejos tiempos

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_noise ... que no es lo mismo que ruido blanco gausiano y

"Puede ser usado para desorientar a personas antes de un interrogatorio y como técnica de privación sensorial. Por otra parte, el ruido blanco de baja intensidad puede favorecer la relajación y el sueño. En las tiendas pueden comprarse CDs con largas secuencias de ruido blanco."

Tener paciencia

Articulo interesante en Zenhabits:

La vida relacionada con proyectos y diria tb que en general, según los nervios que tenga cada uno, hay que tomarsela con paciencia y un pelin de perseverancia.

Aqui van los 15 tips para ser tan paciente como Job, segun Zenhabits, resumidito:
  1. Tally marks.
  2. Figure out your triggers.
  3. Deep breaths.
  4. Count to 10.
  5. Start small.
  6. Take a time out.
  7. Remember what’s important.
  8. Keep practicing.
  9. Visualize.
  10. Remember that things can take time.
  11. Teach.
  12. Find healthy ways to relieve frustration.
  13. Try meditation.
  14. Just laugh.
  15. Just love.
Aunque el artículo termina conla cita

“Genius is eternal patience.” - Michelangelo

... como no, el último recurso es hacerse budista "Del deseo surge el dolor; del deseo surge el miedo. Para aquel que está libre de deseo ni hay dolor ni mucho menos miedo."

lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

McCain on Economists

Interesante reflexión de McCain recopilada en Mises

"You know the economists?" McCain said June 12 at Federal Hall, near the New York Stock Exchange. "They're the same ones that didn't predict this housing crisis we're in. They're the same ones that didn't predict the dot-com meltdown. They're the same ones that didn't predict the inflation that's staring us in the face today."

Pues desde el punto de vista liberal el corolario sería: "Como creamos que los gobiernos o los bancos centrales nos van a sacar de la crisis, estamos apañados"

y de propina dos citas sacadas de http://www.liberalismo.org

W. Churchill
"Una nación que intente prosperar a base de impuestos es como un hombre con los pies en un cubo tratando de levantase estirando del asa"

R. Reagan
"La visión gubernamental de la economía puede resumirse en unas cortas frases: si se mueve, póngasele un impuesto. Si se sigue moviendo, regúlese, y si no se mueve más, otórguesele un subsidio"

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

Truth is found in life

Do not think that the knowledge you presently possess is changeless, absolute truth.
Truth is found in life and not merely in conceptual knowledge.
Be ready to learn throughout your entire life and to observe reality
in yourself and in the world at all times.

Thich Nhat Hanh


lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

La emoción

Vamos de "copy-paste" pero al hilo de la entrada de


con el mensaje buenisimo de lo que antes emocionaba ir a una tienda a comprar un disco y como esto ha cambiado :(

Es importante sentir emoción y pasión por las cosas. Este es uno de los mensajes universales desde siempre y casi diría con base biológica para tener felicidad tal como explica Punset en su libro "El viaje a la felicidad" - De hecho Punset dice que la formula de la felicidad es:

La Felicidad es igual a E (M+B+P) dividido por R+C, donde E es la emoción al comienzo y al final del proyecto; M, el Mantenimiento y atención al detalle; B, el Disfrute de la búsqueda y la expectativa; y, P, las relaciones personales; R son los factores reductores y C la carga heredada.

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2008

Ya no se lleva el trafico sino el cashflow pero ...

Ya no se lleva el trafico como a ppos del 2000 y si el cashflow en Internet, pero via http://www.comscore.com/ cosas curiosas del consumo de video online (flipante)

Google Sites Remains #1 Property

11 Billion Videos Viewed Online in the U.S. in April 2008

18-34 Year Olds Viewed Nearly 5 Hours of Online Video per Person during the Month


El mundo cambia ...

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

The Ultimate Guide to Motivation - How to Achieve Any Goal

Como recopilación esta bien, aunque hay que ser muy persistente para aplicarlo en la vida real :)

via Zen Habits by Leo on 6/5/08

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." - Henry Ford

8 Ways to Motivate Yourself From the Beginning

  1. Start small.
  2. One goal
  3. Examine your motivation
  4. Really, really want it.
  5. Commit publicly.
  6. Get excited.
  7. Build anticipation.
  8. Print it out, post it up.

20 Ways to Sustain Motivation When You're Struggling:

  1. Hold yourself back. .
  2. Just start.
  3. Stay accountable
  4. Squash negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
  5. Think about the benefits.
  6. Get excited again!
  7. Read about it.
  8. Find like-minded friends.
  9. Read inspiring stories.
  10. Build on your successes.
  11. Just get through the low points.
  12. Get help.
  13. Chart your progress.
  14. Reward yourself often.
  15. Go for mini-goals.
  16. Get a coach or take a class.
  17. Never skip two days in a row.
  18. Use visualization. .
  19. Be aware of your urges to quit, and overcome them.
  20. Find pleasure again.
"Never, never, never, never give up." - Winston Churchill

sábado, 14 de junio de 2008

7 Habits Essential for Tackling the Multitasking Virus

Via Zen Habits

  • Do what you love.
  • Do it in a way you love and connect to
  • Give people a Choice and they become engaged
  • Release a fear of failure
  • Build positive routines
  • Do one thing at a time
  • Take Breaks.
It is astonishing how this principle is ignored. All of us have different minds, and so our road to mastery will be unique. The art in the learning process emerges when we begin to tap into the unique nuance of our minds—when the walls are broken down between the conscious and unconscious minds, when creative inspiration directs our technical growth

viernes, 13 de junio de 2008

We are what we do, not what we think we do.

We are what we do, not what we think we do.
The fact that you don't act means you don't have conviction.

Richard Rose


martes, 10 de junio de 2008

Historia del tiempo

La foto sale un poco pequeña (el detalle en http://ginasiomental.com/016.jpg) pero en ella aparecen entre otros:

* Bohr
* Heisenberg
* Schroedinger
* Pauli
* Dirac y
* Einstein

La foto viene a cuento de que en el libro de Historia del Tiempo de Hawking se hace un recorrido por el concepto del espacio y del tiempo y se detiene y recorre la época dorada de la física con la mecánica cuántica y la relatividad de principios del s XX.

En resumen Hawking viene a decir:
  • Que los cientificos describen el universo a traves de dos teorias incompatibles: la de la relatividad general de Einstein y la mecanica cuantica. La relatividad general describe la fuerza de la gravedad y la estructura a gran escala del universo. La mecanica cuantica se ocupa de lo mas pequeño. Al dia de hoy son inconsistentes!!
  • Las leyes de Newton acabaron la idea de la posición absoluta en el espacio, la relatividad con el concepto de tiempo absoluto (paradoja de los gemelos)
  • El principio de incertidumbre de Heisenberg es una propiedad fundamental del mundo. La incertidumbre en la posición x la incertidumbre en la velocidad x la masa de la particula > h. Gracias a aplicar esta hipotesis nacio la mecánica cuántica = la cual no predice un unico resultado, sino las probabilidades de encontrarse en un estado deteminado.
  • Pauli con el principio de exclusión demostro que NO pueden coexistir dos partículas con la misma posición y velocidad --> Que es lo que explica porque el mundo NO se ha colapsado en una sopa densa de "materia"
  • Las particulas del universo son la materia con espin 1/2, y las particulas fuerzas con espin 0,1 y 2. La fuerza electrica repulsiva entre 2 electrones se produce por el intercambio de fotones virtuales!
  • Las particulas portadoras de fuerza se agrupan en: fuerza gravitatoria, la fuerza electromagnetica, fuerza nuclear debil y la interacción nueclear fuerte.
  • Lee y Yang demostraron que el universo es zurdo. Hasta 1956 se pensaba que el universo tenia simetria C (para particulas y antiparticulas), P (imagen e imagen especular) y T (tiempo) . La fuerza debil no tiene simetria Cy P.
  • Los agujeros negros NO son tan negros: irradian como cualquier cuerpo caliente.
  • Segun Hawking el espacio-tiempo puede verse como una superficie finita en el tamaño pero que no tiene bordes (nosotros seriamos como bichos bi-dimensionales que viven en la superficie de una esfera)
  • La gravedad es la fuerza que determina la estructura del universo a gran escala y la base para pensar en como es el universo.
y al final del todo casi llega a mojarse con cuidado diciendo que si se descubre la estructura y el porque de las leyes que gobiernan el universo, no habría necesidad de tener la figura de Dios.

Un libro muy interesante para leer con calma y con la Wikipedia al lado.

lunes, 9 de junio de 2008

Es lo que tiene ser ZEN

There is no need of any competition with anybody.
You are yourself, and as you are, you are perfectly good.
Accept yourself.


Muy en línea con la autoestima y la psiquiatria actual.
¿Compatible con la sociedad actual?
Si porque el hecho a fomentar no es la competitividad, sino hacer las cosas bien: probar, conocer y aceptar las limitaciones de cada uno. Muy en línea con las "Máximas del Oraculo de Delfos"
  • Conócete a ti mismo

  • Nada en exceso

  • Cuidado de uno mismo

lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

Percepción y realidad

Everything exists according to its own nature - our individual perceptions of worth, correctness, beauty, size and value exist inside our heads, not outside them.


Aunque siempre subyace una realidad común, las percepciones son las percepciones.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2008


Meditation is a knack.
It is the simplest art in the world, to be silent.
It is not a doing, it is a non-doing.
How can it be difficult?


sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008

Ibiza - Classics

De memoria fatal .. pero buscando en Internet salen algunos clásicos :)
Que pena no poder haber ido a Ibiza , snif, snif.

Mojo - Lady

Bob Marley & funkstar deluxe

Toni di Bart - The real thing

Roger Sanchez - Another Chance

Nightcrawlers - Push the feeling on

y como no The Course - Ready or not

Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide
Gonna Find You and Take it Slowly
Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide
Gonna Find You and Make you want me.


Vamos que no saber que había una película super-molona erótica de ciencia ficción del 68 con Jane Fonda (basada en un comic francés en la que el creador se inspiro en la Bardot)... y toda la influencia que ha tenido

... Barbarella

menos mal que esta internet. Hasta parece que van a hacer un remake.



lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008

Scalability -- Doing It Right

Descubierto vía http://highscalability.com/

Nice Ideas/Tips para hacer escalable un site via Nati Shalom http://natishalom.typepad.com/nati_shaloms_blog/2008/05/twitter-as-an-e.html

vamos ideas para hacer algo escalable a lo grande, grande ...

synchronous event-driven design: Avoid as much as possible any synchronous interaction with the data or business logic tier. Instead, use an event-driven approach and workflow

Partitioning/Shards: Design the data model to fit the partitioning model

Parallel execution:
Use parallel execution to get the most out of available resources. A good place to use parallel execution is the processing of users requests. Multiple instances of each service can take the requests from the messaging system and execute them in parallel. Another good place for parallel processing is using MapReduce for performing aggregated requests on partitioned data

Replication (read-mostly):
In read-mostly scenarios (LinkedIN seems to fall into this category well), database replication can help load-balance the read load by splitting the read requests among the replicated database nodes

Consistency without distributed transactions:
This was one of the hot topics of the conference, which also sparked some discussion during one of the panels I participated in. An argument was made that to reach scalability you had to sacrifice consistency and handle consistency in your applications using things such as optimistic locking and asynchronous error-handling. It also assumes that you will need to handle idempotency in your code. My argument was that while this pattern addresses scalability, it creates complexity and is therefore error-prone. During another panel, Dan Pritchett argued that there are ways to avoid this level of complexity and still achieve the same goal, as I outlined in this blog post.

Move the database to the background:
There was violent agreement that the database bottleneck can only be solved if database interactions happen in the background. (NOTE: I recently wrote a more detailed post explaining how you can effectively move the database to the background.

The 20 things you must know about music online

Via Andrew Dubber - New Music Strategies se accede a un librito maravilloso donde ha volcado su sabiduría http://newmusicstrategies.com/ebook/

Aparte su blog newmusicstrategies.com se entiende y es para humanos, que clarisisimo que está todo. Además predica con el ejemplo.

Resumidito el libro y que es muy aplicable a cualquier canal online dice:

1. Don’t believe the hype:
Sandi Thom, the Arctic Monkeys and Lily Allen are not super famous, rich and successful because of MySpace, and nor because they miraculously drew a crowd of thousands to their homegrown webcast. PR, traditional media, record labels and money were all involved.

2. Hear / Like / Buy:
It’s the golden rule. People hear music, then they like music, then they buy music. It’s the only order it can happen in. If you try to do it in any other sequence, it just won’t work.

3. Opinion Leaders Rule:
We know the importance of radio and press. There are now new opinion leaders who will tell your story with credibility. You need to find out who they are — or better yet, become one of them.

4. Customise:
A tailored solution at best, or at the very least a bespoke kitset approach to your web presence is crucial. An off-the-shelf number will almost guarantee your anonymity.

5. The Long Tail:
Chris Anderson has pretty much proved that the future of retail is selling less of more. Put everything online. Expand your catalogue. You will make more money selling a large number of niche products than you will selling a few hits.

6. Web 2.0:
Forget being a destination — become an environment. Let your customers tag and sort your catalogue. Open up for user-generated content. Your website is not a brochure — it’s a place where people gather and connect with you and with each other.

7. Connect:
Learn how to tell a story, and learn how to tell it in an appropriate fashion for web communication. Think about how that could be translated for both new media and mainstream PR outlets.

8. Cross-promote:
Your online stuff is not a replacement for your offline stuff, and nor does it exist independently of it. Figure out how to make the two genuinely intersect.

9. Fewer Clicks:
This is especially true if you want somebody to part with their money. If I have to fill in a form, navigate through three layers of menu and then enter a password, I don’t want your music any more.

10. Professionalism:
Have a proper domain. MySpace is not your website. Learn to spell. Use high-quality photography. Get a web designer who understands design — not just code.

11. The Death of Scarcity:
Understand that the economics of the internet is fundamentally different to the economics of the world of shelves and limited stock. Know that you could give away 2 million copies of your record in order to sell a thousand.

12. Distributed Identity:
From a PR perspective, you are better off scattering yourself right across the internet, rather than staying put in one place. Memberships, profiles, comments, and networks are incredibly helpful.

13. SEO: You need to understand how Search Engine Optimisation works, and how you can maximise your chances of being found. Be both findable — and searchable.

14. Permission:
This is very basic stuff. Don’t spam. Let people opt-in. Make the information you send them relevant, useful and welcome. Long lists of dates and events are impersonal and feel like work. Personalised messages seem far more important.

15. RSS:
Provide it, use it and teach it. Relying on people to come back to visit your website is ultimately soul destroying. So is always making more content all the time. RSS is the single most important aspect of your site. Treat it as such - but remember it’s still new for most people. Help your audience come to grips with it.

16. Accessibility:
Not everyone has a fast computer or high speed access. Not everybody has the gift of sight. Make everything you do online accessible. Make your site XHTML compliant. It’s easy to do, it’s important, and it stops you from turning people away at the door. You wouldn’t have a shop without wheelchair access, would you?

17. Reward & Incentivise:
Everything is now available all of the time. Give people a reason to consider you as part of their economic engagement with music. A 30-second streaming sample is worse than useless.

18. Frequency is everything:
Publish daily. There’s nothing more sad than an abandoned website or a disused forum. Search engines prioritise active sites. You want people to come back? Give them something to come back to that they haven’t seen before.

19. Make it viral:
Whatever you do, make it something that people will want to send to other people. Your best marketing is word of mouth, because online, word of mouth is exponentially more powerful.

20. Forget product — sell relationship:
The old model of music business is dominated by the sale of an individual artefact for a set sum of money. iTunes is still completely old school. The new model is about starting an ongoing economic relationship with a community of fans.

And a bonus:

21. The chart is a mug’s game:
Not only is the top 40 singles chart entirely meaningless, it has even stopped working as a promotional tool. Don’t aim for the chart — aim for a sustainable career.

Obtenido de http://newmusicstrategies.com/2007/03/16/the-20-things-you-must-know-about-music-online:

Los mensajes recuerdan mucho lo que predica Seth Godin.

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

El alma esta en el cerebro

Principales cosas que me quedan después de leer "El alma está en el cerebro" de Eduardo Punset (mola su blog ):
  • "El cerebro esta codificado para generar expectativas y detectar lo inesperado"
  • "La mejor manera de contrarrestar una emoción negativa es tener una emoción positiva más fuerte" --> ¿por eso el efecto bueno de la música?
  • "La reinserción no vale con las psicopatias" "No se puede cambiar la personalidad básica de los individuos (emociones, conciencia)" "Si se puede actuar en temas conductuales"
  • "El neocortex es la parte mas moderna del cerebro.Es una fina capa que recubre la zona mas externa del cerebro, con grosor de 2 mm esta dividido en 6 capas. Si se pudiera extender equivaldría a una servilleta con 30.000 millones de neuronas. Este conjunto de células tiene nuestros recuerdos, conocimientos, habilidades y experiencia acumulada ... todo aquello que se llama nuestra vida"
  • "El secreto para entregarse a la crueldad es desprenderse de la responsabilidad: libres del sentido de culpa aparece el lado más oscuro de la naturaleza humana"
  • "El conjunto estimulo - reacción corporal - ideas es lo que constituye el sentimiento"
  • "Creo que vale ser optimista, y hay un motivo añadido:si eres optimista, generas felicidad en tu interior y es posible que la crees en otros"
  • "Los genes determinan ciertas cosas en entornos concretos"
  • "La anticipación del placer es donde reside el placer"
  • "El gran poder en el mundo es detectar lo que piensa el otro: cuando alguien tiene es poder, puede ayudar o manipular"
  • "Cuando queremos tener garantía de que nuestros actos sean optimos, nos estamos asegurando el malestar, porque no vamos a tener nunca una garantía absoluta de va a ser lo mejor posible"
  • "Deberíamos aprender a centrar nuestra atención en las pequeñas cosas gratificantes de la vida cotidiana"
  • "La felicidad es básicamente la ausencia de miedo, como la belleza es la ausencia de dolor"

Nota: Foto de Flickr Commons (molan)

Cloud Computing

Via Sebas Muriel - http://www.sebasmuriel.es/2008/05/os-sents-identificados.html

me entero de la existencia del sitio Geek And Poke, molan!!! Me parto, me troncho y me mondo.

Para muestra un botón (y mira que me mola el concepto de cloud computing)


viernes, 16 de mayo de 2008

Ideas Are Easy... Execution Is Difficult & IP

Post en Mises http://blog.mises.org/archives/008116.asp, que hace referencia a otros posts http://techdirt.com/articles/20080514/0336421112.shtml

En resumen:
  • It's an ongoing theme around here, but ideas are everywhere. The real trick to making something great often has extremely little to do with the idea, and much more to do with the execution
  • A good execution team is what they fund, even if the idea is not that hot.
Uno de los puntos en Is Intelectual Property the Key to Success es
  • So consider a world without trademark, copyright, or patents. It would still be a world with innovation — perhaps far more of it. And yes, there would still be profits due to those who are entrepreneurial. Perhaps there would be a bit less profit for litigators and IP lawyers — but is this a bad thing?

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

Is Our Future Really $0?

Fernando (ferhergon.blogspot.com) se vuelve a salir en otro artículo http://mises.org/story/2971

en Mises.org (donde está chungo, chungo publicar) Extracto:

The reason why some goods are given away for free in some markets has no relation to any hypothetical notion of "marginal costs tending to zero." In fact, those supposed free goods are "given" to us in exchange for our time and attention. As time is an increasingly scarce resource, its value is steadily rising, in terms of storage, processing, and bandwidth.

A lo que vamos que el gratis total, no existe y SI, en nuestra sociedad se paga por nuestro tiempo y atención!!!!

Explicaciones sencillas desde la escuela austriaca de economía ... je, je.

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

Musica "negra"

De memoria y a bote pronto me salen ...

Barry White

Marvin Gaye

Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground (que fue versionado por los Red Hot Chili Peppers)

James Brown - Sex Machine

y Bob Marley :)

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008

Workaholics fixate on inconsequential details

ESTOS de 37 Signals saben !!!!

Mola el punto "That is because, as perfectionists, they may become so fixated on inconsequential details that they find it hard to move on to the next task"

Esto lo he visto en directo CIENES DE VECES!!!!!!

Desde mi punto de vista se prima la eficiencia (en hacer tonterias) y no la eficacia (en hacer las cosas correctas)

via Signal vs. Noise by Matt on 5/8/08

More ammunition for why you should fire the workaholics: They don't actually get more done.

Q: Do workaholics accomplish more than people who work fewer hours?

A: Often, they don't. That is because, as perfectionists, they may become so fixated on inconsequential details that they find it hard to move on to the next task, [Psychiatrist Bryan] Robinson said.

As Gayle Porter [a professor who has studied workaholism] put it: "They're not looking for ways to be more efficient; they're just looking for ways to always have more work to do."

Good advice for anyone who wants to be more efficient: When you're sweating for hours over a tiny detail, stop and ask yourself, "Is this really worth the amount of time I'm spending on it?" If not, declare "good enough" and move on.

Also mentioned in the piece: Companies that believe they're benefiting from someone's long hours should think again…

Most companies think that they are benefiting from a workaholic's long hours, even if it is at the worker's expense, Porter said. In fact, she said, workaholism can harm the company as well as the worker…

The person may look like a hero, coming in to solve crisis after crisis, when in fact the crises could have been avoided. Sometimes, the workaholic may have unwittingly created the problems to provide the endless thrill of more work.

Sometimes the real hero is already home, because he/she figured out a quicker way to get to "done."

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008

Un clásico de lectura

A principios del S. XX, Dale Carnegie se dió cuenta que se ignoraba cómo se podía persuadir a las personas. En el libro "Cómo ganar amigos e influir en las personas", basado en la experiencia propia y de muchas mas personas, se recogen unas sencillas reglas que de observarse pueden cambiar sustancialmente su vida.
Gran éxito de ventas en su día, tras un paréntesis en el olvido, vuelve a estar rabiosamente de actualidad. De hecho, gran parte del marketing moderno se basa en sus ideas.
REGLA 1. No critique, no condene ni se queje
REGLA 2. Demuestre aprecio honrado y sincero
REGLA 3. Despierte en los demás un deseo vehemente
Via http://www.personal.able.es/cm.perez/carnegie.htm - se puede leer un extracto del libro.

lunes, 28 de abril de 2008

Today is the absolute day

La filosofía ZEN y en general ... la filosofía de "intentar ser feliz", consiste en "disfrutar cada momento y cada día como si fuera único"
Today is the absolute day,
the only day in the eternity of time.
Everyday is fresh and new
just as one's life is new everyday.



sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Mujeres y la música ... que buena combinación

Preferidas de todos los tiempos ... de memoria

Alanis Morrisette - tiene ahora 33 años y que como todo el mundo sabe era Dios en la película Dogma :)

Shirley Manson - Garbage

Sara - Luar na Lubre

Eddie Brickell

Kendra Smith - Mazzy Star

Y Marilia Casares (no vale quedarse con las dos de Ella Baila Sola, hay que tomar partido)

martes, 22 de abril de 2008

No risk

And the trouble is
if you don't risk anything
you risk even more.

Erica Jong


viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

Love spreads - Stone Roses

Llevo varios días sin poderme quitar la canción de la cabeza ... pues venga al blog, para que persista aun más.

Nota: no me queda muy claro el significado de la letra

Love spreads her arms, waits there for the nails
I forgive you, boy, I will prevail
Too much to take, some cross to bear
I'm hiding in the trees with a picnic, she's over there, yeah


She didn't scream, she didn't make a sound
I forgive you boy, but don't leave town
Cold black skin, naked in the rain
Hammer flash in the lightning, they're hurting her again

Let me put you in the picture, let me show you what I mean
The messiah is my sister, ain't no king man, she's my queen

I have a dream, I've seen the light
Don't put it out, say she's alright, yeah, she's my sister

She didn't scream, she didn't make a sound
I forgive you boy, but don't leave town
Cold black skin, naked in the rain
Hammer flash in the lightning, they're hurting her again
Oh, oh, ooh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Let me put you in the picture, let me show you what I mean
The messiah is my sister, ain't no king man, she's my queen

I have a dream, I've seen the light
Don't put it out, say she's alright, yeah, she's my sister

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

Ideas propias y coraje

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrity.
The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence"

Albert Einstein

Nada es gratis - ferhergon!

Fernando "Hazlitt" Herrrera se vuelve a salir en sus análisis, esta vez con el venga vale" no todo es gratis" http://ferhergon.blogspot.com/2008/04/difundir-la-teora-econmica.html

Es lo que tiene la escuela austriaca que explica la economía para humanos, la praxeologia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praxeology

Y aparte quien "Quien no aprende de experiencias pasadas está condenado a repetir sus errores"

lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

Urgency is poisonous

Via http://www.37signals.com/svn/posts/966-urgency-is-poisonous

Dicen los de 37 signals que las prisas y urgencias son malas. Cuentan que desde que han introducido la jornada de 4 dias a la semana, han sido más productivos.

Aunque estos chicos son unos cracks en si mismos y que como los buenos guitarristas de flamenco son capaces de hacer sonar bien una caja de gambas, en el fondo tienen razón. Las prisas, los deadlines, el no pensar y el no reflexionar provocan más retrasos y stress, que a su vez genera una espiral sin fin, un circulo vicioso malo, malo. Un proyecto es una cadena de procesos dependientes y es mejor no meter mucho ruido en el sistema para que el trabajo fluya adecuadamente.

Como corolario hacen una reflexion interesante para las industrias de SW:

If you’re a just-in-time provider of industry parts then precise deadlines and deliveries may be required, but in the software industry urgency is self-imposed and morale-busting. If stress is a weed, urgency is the seed. Don’t plant it if you can help it.

Aquí creo que no terminan de dar en el clavo :) Si hay algo que caracteriza a las buenas "industrias" ver Toyota Way es la capacidad de organizar cadenas complejas de producción y producir lo justo, lo que necesita el cliente, con los recursos necesarios, ni muchos ni pocos, ni rápido, ni lento "just-in-time"

Otro corolario sería, "no hay viento favorable para aquel barco que no sabe hacia donde va".
Teniendo clara la dirección y sin urgencias que no dejen pensar, y con concentración todo se consigue.

P.D (1)
- The Toyota Way de Liker es de lo mejor que me he leído de negocios en mi vida!
- Repaso de los 14 principios
  1. Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals.
  2. Create a continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface.
  3. Use "pull" systems to avoid overproduction.
  4. Level out the workload (heijunka). (Work like the tortoise, not the hare).
  5. Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time.
  6. Standardized tasks and processes are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment.
  7. Use visual control so no problems are hidden.
  8. Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes.
  9. Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others.
  10. Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company's philosophy.
  11. Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve.
  12. Go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation (Genchi Genbutsu).
  13. Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement decisions rapidly (nemawashi).
  14. Become a learning organization through relentless reflection (hansei) and continuous improvement (kaizen).
P.D (2)

- Dice el libro que en Toyota el organigrama se pinta al revés - los operarios primero, otros responsables después. Hay que ser "lean" desde abajo y recompensarlo.